Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8
Our vision is for Scotland to know Jesus.
Our mission is to be Jesus
so everyone may experience the gospel,
hear the gospel,
& have hope in the gospel!
What We Do!
We meet community needs, support and equip people to serve, and we care for those hurting.
What we do! During 2022-2023 we have worked to plant ourselves into the local region while helping support a church plant in Aberdeenshire. Alongside, we built relationships with community leaders, business owners, Christian communities/organizations, and made friends & connections, so we may be available to serve. We established a growing men’s outreach group, created community events that reached large numbers, took part in our local community to support others in need, provided resources to new mom’s and families, and much more! Now in 2024 and into 2025 we continue this work and more!
We have worked to let people know they are not alone.
We seek to support people and meet needs in the community! From support for men and woman, to community events for families to get out and enjoy time together and build memories we seek to find needs and help meet those needs. Currently we help run and support two men’s community groups, a new mom’s program, provide lactation support, help people struggling, and be a family those we meet.
One of our goals is to support the current churches that are faithfully serving their communities in the midst of a post-Christian culture. There are very few churches left and many local communities have no Biblically-based church gathering. Many great Christian servants are serving alone to reach their communities and we are here with encouraging words, as the serving hands ready, with years of ministry experience, to help them to accomplish their mission and reach their communities!
We support and equip local leaders to establish new Christian communities in Scotland (Church Planting). We are working alongside several great servants who are working to create a church in their own local communities.
We have helped created a men’s retreat program! In 2023 we launched a men’s retreat program near Aboyne in Scotland. Our first style of retreat was a spiritually deep retreat to allow men to dig deep in their souls and confront their wounds. It allows men to confront their anger, addictions, anxiety and more, so that they may find freedom and healing. I (Chris) wrote this program, lead, and is equipping other men to lead it. I (Chris) am now working on a second style of retreat to allow men to re-connect with God and experience the Scottish Highlands in a real way.
Alongside of supporting and equipping leaders, we desire to begin the process of missional community building (church planting)! There are few gospel-centered, Bible believing churches in Scotland and we seek to establish churches that preach Christ crucified. We desire to establish a Bible training institute where new leaders may be trained and sent out. Our vision includes the creation of children’s programs, including a church camp program, so kids may come to know Christ and be encouraged to lead a life in service to Jesus.
We want to see a church in every town, village and borough in Scotland! We will accomplish this goal by serving the local community where we live, loving people as family and rather than just hearing about Jesus, letting them see Jesus through our lives. Contact us to learn more and follow us on “Clan Stellhorn” on Facebook, a private group created to follow updates!
The Journey!
Clan Stellhorn & New International!
Find out more about how we serve in Scotland & our affiliation with New International!
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Serving Scotland
We have partnered with, “The Fellowship of Churches of Christ of Great Britain and Ireland”. They help bring workers to the harvest and support local churches! Their goal is to plant churches and re-shape the world through the gospel! That’s what we want to see happen too!
“We began life in the early 19th century as a result of a series of revival movements led by ordinary people in Scotland. The same movement gave rise to the Scottish Baptists, the Scottish Congregationalists and a number of other small movements.
More generally, our congregations were part of a wider movement amongst many Christians who were trying to return to a simpler form of New Testament Christianity. From that small beginning congregations similar to FCC have spread to more than 180 nations on earth.”
Why Scotland?
According to research, only 1% of Scots regularly attend a Bible believing church, while 97%-98% of Scots do not know Christ and believe in the basic tenants of the Christian faith. Here in the US we may have a dozen churches within five miles our our home, some of similar denominations, but in comparison, for many Scots a Bible believing church is not available in their own community. Read more below from Barna Research and then speak to us to learn more about how you can be involved in helping turn a nation around!
Barna Research in Scotland
Learn more about the work of the church, the challenges, and current state of Christianity in Scotland!
Scotland: Lessons for Effective Ministry in a Post-Christian Context
“Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20