We Are Clan Stellhorn!
Welcome to the April Update of “The Adventurer”!
The month of March was a full month! Cephas took his tests for entrance into the Coast Guard, we met with some great people, and had some exciting developments! We look forward to sharing all about these stories in this months edition! We are so appreciative of everyone who has joined Clan Stellhorn, who are supporting us along the journey through one time support, prayer support, and monthly support!
The Month Began...
On March 1st, I (Christopher) drove to downtown to drop off Cephas for his MEPS testing. This involved the ASVAB test, a physical, and a some questions.
Upon being dropped off, he was checked-in and shortly was sent to take his tests. His scores were high enough that he qualified for Coast Guard basic training, and he passed his medical physical as well. He had his first night being away from any family member during this testing. Later in the month, he met in Houston for a physical performance exam that he passed these as well. At the end of the month, he set his date to go in to sign papers, and he received his ship out date of June 8th.
During the month of March, dates we also set into motion as we prayed about the “next steps”. Preparing for mission work is like continually walking the bridge of faith in, “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. You can’t see the first step as you cross the new challenge, but as you do, it begins to come to light…sometimes! Other times you just have to keep walking and trusting. You pray, you reach out for wisdom from others, you read His Word, and you make wise decisions out of the freewill He gives us. March involved a lot of decision making, some of them harder and more serious than others.
This month I (Christopher) made the decision of setting the ending date for my last Sunday at Cypress Crossings Christian Church. I had thought I would be able to complete the summer before stepping back, but in the process, God revealed to my heart that it was time, that my season at C4 was coming to an end. Funny enough as I reminisce, when I started the church was nicknamed “The Crossings”, but I had a friend nearby who called their church “C3”. I joked our name had four “C’s” in it, so we should be called, “C4” as we are explosive. (That’s a joke). Well soon after another church actually began and called themselves, “The Crossings” and so “C4” stuck. It’s our logo, and the name most people know us by. I still laugh when I hear “C4” as I hear the joke in my head, “We’re explosive!”
As I look back over the past nine years here in Cypress, a lot of things stand out as I close out this season in our life. I have made some great friendships, and lost some great friendships. One in particular was my good friend, Roy Davis. Roy was a giant in the church whether realized by this world or not. As a friend of mine once said, “Roy has forgotten more about ministry than most will ever know in their entire lives”. Roy passed away last year into eternity as he “ran the race” and finally heard “good and faithful” from the words of His Father in Heaven.
I can’t tell you offhand how many students have come through the youth group at C4, and though some only came for a few weeks, we loved on them and cared for them just the same. Last week a former student showed up at C4 after about nine years. I confess I didn’t recognize them after all that time, but it warms the heart to see them just the same. This past month as our time ticks down in the states, I have spoken to several former students, some going back 18-20 years and some I haven’t been able to speak to in a long time.
I’m sure I’ll share more stories in time, but for now my season at C4 is set to complete at the end of May.
Sharing about Clan Stellhorn!
This month we were able to visit several churches. Starting with a previous connection I had made, we all stopped in on March seventh at, Waller Baptist Church on Sunday morning and then as well to their Sunday evening prayer service. We felt welcome and their minister, Blake, even introduced us during the service to everyone.
The following Sunday, we made a full presentation at Christ Covenant Church in Beaumont. Many years ago, I had met one of their previous ministers and worked alongside of him (different churches) in the city of Houston, Winston Hancock, and that’s when I first heard the story of CCCB. It wasn’t until a couple years later I met more of their members while serving in one of my favorite places on earth, Tanglewood Christian Camp, as their students attended Midwinter where I deaned.
Through that connection we were able to go visit and share about Clan Stellhorn. I loved it in Beaumont, and we really enjoyed being with them that Sunday. It was one of the first time aside from C4 I was able to make a full presentation on a Sunday morning. They took up a special offering on our behalf toward upfront costs, and we would love to partner monthly with them in the future God-willing. I wore my kilt while speaking and as one person noted, “It was the best sermon I’ve ever heard by someone wearing a kilt”. Gideon also wore his kilt, and showed off his Scotland display he had made.
Because the church also is connected with Tanglewood, we also were able to hear some great Tanglewood stories. Over lunch, we ran into some members of the church who shared further stories with us. That’s Alvin and his wife in the background having some grub while our family took a group photo.
That Sunday night, I went to visit with Waller Church of Christ to meet them. At the end of the month, I stopped in to visit with Calvary Chapel in Northwest Houston. We hope to speak at Calvary on a Sunday night soon!
Thanks for Being in the Clan!
At the end of the month, we nailed down a shirt company to create shirts for us and submitted our order. We took pre-orders, but ordered extras as well. The design looks like picture to the left. We also received our order of stickers in the mail! Shirts are $15 and stickers are $2.
The process of support raising isn’t an easy one per-say, as its a lot about trusting God while you stick yourself out into the open. You make calls, you get to visit with people, and the best part is you get to build new relationships or re-build old ones. Support raising also has its disappointments. Not so much when you hear “no”, but when you don’t hear anything at all. When calls or emails are made and you don’t get a response back, you’re left not knowing what is going on in one’s life or if they are interested in hearing what God is doing in Scotland and with our family. When we don’t get a response back, we add them to our prayer list.
In the course of this journey, we’ve learned many things and gleaned a lot of wisdom. Words like, “Sometime people are just too afraid to say no” and some don’t see a difference between mission support raising and a glorified salesman. My favorite piece of wisdom was this:
“Work like its all up to you and pray like its all up to God”
That’s been my personal philosophy on the journey. I know that this is God’s work and His calling upon our lives, and He already knows those He has set aside to be a part of this world-changing work. I know the journey He brought us through to prepare us for this time and place, so part of it is also trusting as we walk each of those “faith bridges” along the journey, even when the light grows dim and doubt tries to creep in.
We continue to step forward in faith, trusting what He has before us. As April is here, we hit the 50% mark at the end of March which was an exciting milestone! We have several potential members of the Clan that have expressed interest in beginning support soon. We are always ready and willing to meet you as well! If you want to hear more, please contact us, and the cup of coffee is on us!
In the month of April we have two church presentations set up, one at Second Christian Church on April 11th and then at Waller Baptist church on April 18th! If you are around and want to join us and support, please do! You can also catch us online on their church Facebook pages/Youtube sites.
An Exciting Update from Shannon
Hi everyone! I can hardly believe that April is here! At the end of the year, we prayerfully made the decision that I would stop taking clients beyond July due dates. I am down to my last eight clients to help welcome their babies, which is incredibly surreal! I had my last client reunion on March 27th, and it was a such a blessing to see so many sweet mamas I have helped in their journeys and babies that many are not babies anymore!
Last Spring, I was signed up to take the IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) exam, but it was cancelled because of COVID. The next testing date was in September, and I had to request for a deferral do to having a baby. I will be sitting for my exam on May 5th, and would be so grateful for prayers through this exam. When I originally started the path to work towards my IBCLC, I thought it was for my practice and clients, but I am seeing the plan for this credential being different in this new stage of life.
I struggled with seeing what God may want me to do in Scotland aside from of course supporting Christopher in the work he will be doing, taking care of the family, taking over the blog and admin jobs, et cetera. I am so ecstatic for this calling that God has placed on our lives, and looking forward to being in Scotland, but I think my brain has been so wrapped up in work here that I had not taken any real time to consider that God may want me to have a bigger part in our work. In March, it was placed on my heart that I want to reach out to the community in northern Scotland by starting a new mom/lactation support group. I love working with families of course, and this fills me with joy to think about starting.
A common question I encounter is if I will be practicing as a midwife in Scotland. I have gone through this anticipating that my journey as a midwife will have a long pause after my last clients give birth in late June/early July. I have finally reached out to the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the UK to get some final answers on that and have the information.
The Adventurer Vlog
If you did not know, you may also hear some of our updates via our Youtube Page. Our latest video is below!
We also post our video updates and up-to-the-minute news on our Facebook page!
Thank you so much for being a part of Clan Stellhorn! We are all in this together, as Christ is the head, we may be the hands or feet, but you are the beating heart that makes it all happen!