We transferred out care to Shannon at the beginning of our third trimester from another midwife. This was our third baby with the previous two being hospital born and epidurals. I’ve never transferred care before and was worried about doing it so ‘late’ but I could not be happier about that decision! Immediately we felt a greater connection and Shannon eased any of our worries and answered any questions we had. She made the transfer of care smooth! Once we were in her care she got started planning. We knew my labor would be fast and she was on the ball! We went over my birth plan and how I envisioned our special day. She helped us make sure everything was perfect and how I planned. We wanted a water birth by the fireplace and that’s what we got! It was beautiful. I labor very fast and our baby was born less than 30 minutes after Shannon’s arrival. However, she NEVER missed a beat. She immediately got the ball rolling once she got there and knew we were going into delivery mode. Being a nurse, I’ve had the concept of ‘critical thinking’ drilled into my head over the past few years. I can say without a doubt that Shannon’s critical thinking was on point and she was always 2 steps ahead of my labor and delivery even with as quickly as it was moving. I would recommend Shannon to anyone who is considering having a home delivery, or any type of delivery. She was amazing and will be our definite ‘Go to’ the next time we become pregnant! Shanna, Magnolia, mother of Juno born on December 31, 2013
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