Newborn Hearing Screening


At Sacred Journey Midwifery, we offer the newborn hearing screenings that are recommended to be done to all newborns over 24 hours old for our clients and the community.

The method we provide is the Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) method.  This is where we position a tiny probe into the newborn’s ear canal, and measures the response when tones are played into the ear.

Why is this important?

1 to 3 out of 1,000 babies have a hearing issue, and intervention as early as possible helps get the assistance needed to make a big difference in hearing and communication.

Babies will respond to loud noises, but this does not ensure they can hear properly.

Hearing loss actually occurs more frequently than any of the diseases we screen babies for on the newborn metabolic screenings.

Hearing loss can also be associated with other under lying conditions, and may be the first sign of an issue.


If you are a client of ours, this is included in your fee to us.

If you have another provider and need this service, we provide this service for $150 for in office hearing sceenings, and $250 for in home hearing screenings.


Reach out to us if you would like to schedule your newborn’s hearing screen test today!

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