S and M started care with me in the first trimester of S’s seventh pregnancy. I had the honor of being S’s midwife for her last baby as well, and I was happy to be getting to work with her again. You can read about that journey here.
S has a history of macrosomic babies, her largest being 11lbs 8ozs (her first!). She likes to have them around 9 pounds, and requested labor encouragement at 38 weeks again as we had done with her previous baby since it had worked so well before.
S came over the morning of August 3rd, 2019 at 38.1 weeks for natural labor encouragement. She drank my herbal blend, and I did a membrane sweep. She was 2-3cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby was at a -3 station. I encouraged them to go eat breakfast, take a walk, and keep me updated when she felt like things were strong enough to head that way and set up.
S requested us to come, and I arrived at 130pm. S was walking around the house, chatting between contractions. All vitals were great, and I found S to be 4cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby at a -2 station.
Apprentice A helped S do ten lift and tucks with the rebozo to help baby get further in the cervix. S likes to have her water broken as her baby’s come quickly after her water is broken, and I wanted to be sure we had a nice, active pattern of contractions and a well-applied baby before breaking her water.
After lift and tucks, contractions were coming every 3 minutes, lasting about a minute. S said they felt a little more intense. She alternated sitting on her bed and walking around her room while the birth pool was getting navigated. It took some work to get the hose connected, but apprentice A is super handy and helpful, and was able to save the day for S!
The pool was ready by 330pm, and S was very ready to have her water broken and get the show on the road! I broke her water, and baby sounded perfect through out. S was 6cm dilated, 100% effaced, and baby at a 0 station. She was making excellent progress.
S got up from the bed, and got right into the birth pool, laboring on her knees. Contractions very quickly became very strong. S was focused strongly on her work.
So many little funny things were said between S and her two daughters. We spent a lot of transition trying to quietly laugh at the funny things being said, the best being two year old Mila wanting to be sure everyone knew “mommy’s booty is hanging out.” I think she said that easily 25 times before S requested that big brother take her to the park.
S was feeling intensity and requested an exam at 421pm. I found her to be 8cm dilated, and baby at a +1 station. She was serious and focused on the work.
Spontaneous pushing began at 429pm. Two pushes later the head was born at 432pm, followed by the body at 433pm. S birthed her baby peacefully in the water, just as she had with her previous baby.
Welcome to the world, Svea! Born earthside on August 3rd, 2019 at 433pm, weighing in 8lbs 6ozs, 21.25 inches long. Svea tied with one of her big brothers for being the smallest baby S had!
It was an honor to get to work with this sweet friend for a second time. I love my repeat clients, and even more special when they are dear friends.
Pictures by Stacy Fitzmorris Photography.