Birth Story of Magnus


K and Z started care with me in the first trimester of their second pregnancy.  They had their first little guy with me, and I was happy to get the opportunity to work with them a second time.  You can read about their first birth journey here.

When K reached out to me, she was unsure of her due date as she had not had a cycle since having her first baby.  She did not want an ultrasound, so it took some playing around with what information we could come up with, and we came up with a due date of August 21st.

K’s pregnancy progressed along with relative ease.  This little guy stayed breech for a bit longer in the third trimester than was comfortable with K, but she got him to move by doing all the things!

On the morning of August 26th, K sent me a text letting me know she thought she was in labor but things were odd.  All night, contractions were 7-8 minutes apart, lasting over a minute.  As the sun came up, contractions became closer, but then spaced back.  K said things felt early.  I was going to be near her house taking kiddos to an appointment, and we decided I would stop by to check in on my way home.

I arrived at 1115am, and found K walking around the house.  Her demeanor was normal, and by all appearances, she looked like she was in early labor.  I did an exam, and found K to be 6cm dilated, 100% effaced, and baby at a 0 station.  I gave K the option of me taking my kids home and coming back or staying.  K said she was fine with me running home, although her home wanted me to stay!  We were all so happy to see how much work K had done with relative ease!

I arrived back at 1pm, and found K laboring on her hands and knees.  Active labor was definitely upon us now, as K was much more serious with each of her birthing waves.

Apprentice A and I worked on getting supplies set up and the birth pool filled while K labored on.  She got in the pool at 149pm, and labored on her knees.

It was not long, and K told us she was beginning to feel some pressure with contractions. Her reactions were shifting with contractions, yet stayed so calm and focused on the job at hand.

K alternated between laboring on her knees and semi reclining, moving every few contractions.  Apprentice A provided hip squeezes, which K said helped with the pressure in her hips.

K began to push spontaneously at the peaks of contractions at 235pm.  K was so composed, as we encouraged her she was about to meet her baby.

Her water broke at 243pm, and the pressure to push could not be held back.  With K’s first baby, she had to get out of the pool because baby sat on the perineum for a long time, and we had to try multiple positions to help get the little guy born!  Little brother had different ideas!  With the water bag gone, he said it was go time!  S began to push at 244pm, and we could see the head on the perineum at 250pm.  This little guy decided to be much more efficient on the perineum, crowning two minutes later, and following quickly coming earthside a minute later.

Welcome to the world, Magnus!  Born earthside on August 26th, 2019 at 253pm, weighing in at 7lbs 14ozs, 19.75 inches long.  This little guy was a pound and a half bigger than his big brother was at birth, and came so much more efficiently!

It was a privilege to get to support this awesome family for a second time.  K labored with such strength and ease through her quick labor journey.


Photos by Hailee Michelle Photography.

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