J and E hired me early in the first trimester of their pregnancy. E had an almost 4 year old who her Obstetrician scheduled her for a cesarean due to the “big” baby scare at 38 weeks. E never experienced labor, and was desiring a VBAC for this baby. E’s pregnancy was rather bumpy. She experienced terrible morning sickness every day of her pregnancy. It did get easier as the pregnancy moved on, but it took having the baby to alleviate all symptoms. E’s estimated due date came and went. She was not surprised. She fully expected to go past her due date. Four days passed her due date, E called me saying she was having regular contractions about every ten minutes or so. This went on through out the day. I encouraged E to sleep as much as she could that night and to call me when she needed me. E called me at 3am on the 30th of April, stating strong contractions that woke her from her sleep since 1am. They were coming every 5-8 minutes, lasting 45-60 seconds. She was noticing bloody show. I packed up and headed her way. Once I got there, it was obvious contractions were much closer and stronger. E asked me to check her, and I found her to be 5cm dilated, 90% effaced and baby engaged at a 0 station. Bloody show was on my glove. Baby would be coming today! Soon, E’s doula, L, arrived and immediately got to work keeping E focused and comfortable. J and I got the birth pool up and filled so E could get in. While waiting for the pool, E did amazing at listening to her body and getting in the positions that felt comfortable to her. During contractions, she verbally recited birth affirmations over herself. By 640am, the pool was ready and E was anxious to get in. She stated the contractions were much easier in the pool and felt that she could relax better during contractions. A little over an hour later it was obvious we had rolled into transition. E was moaning with contractions. L and J were at her side, encouraging her through each contraction. We pulled out the Calming Labor blend by Gritman Essential Oils and L massaged E with it to help her relax. 840 and E was leaning over the pool, pushing lightly with contractions. She said it felt better to push. Contractions were coming on top of each other, about every 3 minutes. Her body was working! Mom noticed her water broke in the pool at 9am. It looked good. The release of the bag of waters is what mom needed to feel that spontaneous urge to push. Twenty minutes after pushing, I asked E if she would like to me to check and make sure there was no cervix in the way. She shook her head to say yes. I found her completley dilated and effaced and baby to be at a +2 station. This encouraged E and she pushed with all her might. E got into a squat in the birthing pool and pushed her baby’s head out. The baby had a cord around the neck that I gently unlooped. The rest of the body soon followed. I brought baby up from the water and to mom’s chest. We got E tucked into her bed and helped her with breastfeeding. She was worried how it would go since it had not gone well in the passed. No worries. This little girl latched on and nursed like a champ. E was amazing and hard working through out her laboring time. Proud this mama got her VBAC! Welcome to the world Cassandra Sakura! Born on April 30, 2013 at 10:30am, weighing in at 8.14#, 20.5″ long!
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