N and A started care with me near the end of their second trimester of their second pregnancy. N had her first baby in the hospital, and was wanting a different experience for this birth.
N woke with contractions in the early hours of April 18th, 2017. Contractions were coming every 8-10 minutes, lasting 30 seconds. N rested as she best could in between contractions.
N and A came by around 11am to check vitals and do an exam. She had seen her chiropractor right before the appointment for an adjustment. Contractions seemed pretty far apart and mild at this time. N was 3cm dilated, 80% effaced, and baby was at a -2 station. I recommended N eat a good lunch, then curb walk, and climb her stairs to help baby’s position.
N asked me to come around 4pm. I arrived around 430pm, and found N resting on her side in the bed. Contractions were coming about every 5 minutes, lasting right under one minute. I talked with N about alternating resting positions with working positions to keep things moving. She agreed, and decided to come down stairs and do some activities.
N put her dancing for labor music on, and walked around the living room, moving into hands and knees with contractions. I talked with N about trying three captain morgan’s with slutty circles (always gets a good laugh and helps the oxytocin flow!) on each leg to help little one move down into the pelvis.
I did abdominal lift and tuck with N using a rebozo for ten contractions. Contractions were coming about the same, but the lift and tuck definitely changed the intensity. At 630pm when I was done with lift and tuck, it was clear we were now in active labor. We began setting up the birth pool, and calling the rest of the birth team in.
I did an exam right before 7pm, and found N to be 4cm dilated, 100% effaced, and baby at a -1 station. N decided to rest on her left side in her bed, A at her side, while we got the birth pool filled. N was now shaking and nauseous, always good signs!
My apprentice R talked with N about doing one more set of lift and tuck before getting in the pool. N was such a trooper, she agreed! Contractions were coming every 6 minutes, lasting 60+ seconds in length before the lift and tuck. After lift and tuck, they were 2-3 minutes apart, lasting 75+ seconds.
N was very happy to get into the birth pool around 845pm. Contractions were intense, and N was beginning to gently moan with contractions.
N moved from her knees to sitting, doing what felt right in the pool. She asked A to get in the pool with her around 915pm. She was starting to feel pressure, and N felt supported leaning against A in the pool.
N says she was feeling very pushy around 940pm. We discussed waiting for the urge to push to become unbearable and uncontrollable. N continued to blow through the next few contractions.
N’s water broke spontaneously at 954pm. I knew the unbearable urge was soon going to come.
N began to spontaneously push at 1003pm, and the head was crowning and born a minute later. Little one came out with a hand by her head. With the next urge, N pushed her sweet baby all the way out! She was here!
Welcome to the world Aiza, born earthside on April 18, 2017 at 1005pm, weighing in at 6lbs 4ozs, 19.5″ long. It was an honor to be part of N’s peaceful, healing home birth. The best part is always sitting next to a new mama who is beaming with love and pride as she exclaims, “I did it! I had my baby at home!”