2014 Statistics


It has been a very busy year, but so blessed! I have had the privilege of helping 40 different mamas welcome their babies into the world. Looking forward to serving more women in 2015!

2014 in Review::: Total Births: 40 Total Boys: 23 Total Girls: 17 Most Births in a Day: 2 (January 10 and July 13!) Biggest Baby: 9 pounds 15 ounces (first time mom!) Smallest Baby: 6 pounds 6 ounces Longest Baby: 22.25” Shortest Baby: 17.25’’ Longest Labor: 20 hours 42 minutes Shortest Labor: 1 hour 37 minutes Vaginal Births: 36 (90%) Cesareans: 4 (10%) VBACs: 8 successful out of 9 TOLACs (89%) Water Births: 19 (49%) Used a Doula: 25 (62%) Breastfeeding at 6 Weeks Postpartum: 37 (95%) Additional Stats per Request…. Labor Started With SROM: 7 Earliest to Deliver: 37.1 Weeks Latest to Deliver: 41.2 Weeks Labored in the Water: 36 Born in the Caul: 2

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